Entrepreneur Presenter Application

What Can I Expect from GOA as a Presenter?
As a GOA presenter, you are coached and prepared for your 15 minute PowerPoint presentation and receive a template on how to polish your Executive Summary, tighten your 1-2-3 year P&L Financials, exit strategy, and develop a defensible company valuation to insure adequate funding.
GOA has developed Guidelines for Success in the Angel funding process and works with you in preparation, execution of your pitch and assists you in follow up with interested Angel Investors to insure funding.
At GOA, you can expect to present to 25-30+ accredited Angel Investors and Investment Bankers. They normally hear from 3-young companies per GOA meeting for 15 minute each with 2-5 min for Q&A. GOA practice sessions for presenters occur before the event and GOA staff and 3-5 GOA coaches helps you prepare and review your presentation and offer constructive critique and suggestions. GOA also assists and guides you in follow up sessions to facilitate capital funding. We become your focused advocate to fulfill your seed capital needs and make you a GOA Success Story.
To be considered for a presentation at our monthly GOA meetings, you will need to fill out the application and attach a 1-5-page Executive Summary from your current business plan. Once this is reviewed by GOA principals, and it is confirmed that you, in fact, have an investable business concept, you will receive an GOA Engagement Letter from Tarby Bryant, Founder & CEO of the Gathering of Angels.

The Gathering of Angels was, by far, the most professional fundraising experience I've ever experienced. Tarby's knowledge and guidance through the process was sophisticated and thoughtful. I would highly recommend GOA to anyone trying to raise capital from serious investors in an most timely fashion.
Christa West
CEO of LivingTree Botanicals

Registering to Present for The Gathering of Angels
Submit a 1-5 page Executive Summary to GOA for review.
Once approved, you will receive an engagement letter from GOA CEO Tarby Bryant with a reservation for a presentation slot at an upcoming GOA meeting.
You must submit your GOA presentation fee, and confirm your reservation for an upcoming meeting.
You will receive guidance and coaching to prepare you for your 15-minute presentation in front of our Angel Investors. You will also receive a model template for the Executive Summary.
Each month at each GOA Meeting, we have 3 GOA presenter slots and have interest normally from 30-40 companies monthly who are looking for capital and would like to present to our Angel Network. You must have a business plan first to attract capital, and just a great idea or great invention does not make a business or an investment prospect.
What Should I Include in My Executive Summary?
Capital Sought
Use of Funds
Unfair Competitive Advantage over the competition
1-2-3 year P&L Financial Projections
Exit Strategy
Details About the Company Principals and domain expertise
The Gathering of Angels have been helping entrepreneurs for over 24 years, and in this time GOA has developed Guidelines for Success in front of our Angel investors. We know what works and attracts investment interest, and what does not. Let us help you and your new business venture today, register to present or contact us today for more information.
Each monthly meeting is publicized by Tortorici & Randolph with a news release that reaches hundreds of news media and tens of thousands of their audiences related to finance and angel investing as well as general business news and the industries represented by the month’s presenters. All three monthly presenters are mentioned in each release at no additional cost.
For $250, Tortorici & Randolph will separately generate and distribute a news release plus up to three pictures featuring your company and its presentation to the Gathering of Angels. Then, within a few days, T&S will provide you with a complete report of the release’s massive coverage to print, broadcast and social media – including logos, links, and texts suitable for re-use in your website and other formats and presentations. Posting the optional release online also helps increase the potential of search engine optimization for your company. Contact Tony Tortorici at tony@tortoricipr.com for more information.